Pierre Creton


Pierre Creton est artiste et jardinier, ses divers emplois comme apiculteur ou vacher l’ont mené à réaliser des films sur le rapport maître/esclave ou sur les relations que nous entretenons avec l’animal. Il est l’auteur d’une vingtaine de films, tous présentés au FIDMarseille.
Il vit et travaille en Normandie dans le Pays de Caux, territoire qu’il ne cesse d’appréhender et de filmer : « Il y dessine, récolte du miel, cultive son jardin. Le temps de l’art et celui de la vie ne font qu’un. Travail, rencontres, lectures suscitent des films et des dessins qui à leur tour sculptent l’existence, l’ouvrent à des expériences, des territoires qui donnent lieu à d’autres films, d’autres dessins. Travailler en artiste, c’est habiter un monde rendu vivable par l’invention de communautés de pensées, de désirs et d’amitiés, où se côtoient paysans, écrivains et cinéastes, les vivants et les morts, le proche et le lointain.»  

Pierre Creton is an artist and gardener, his various jobs as a beekeeper or cowherd have led him to make films on the master/slave relationship or on the relationships we have with animals. He is the author of around twenty films, all presented at FIDMarseille.
He lives and works in Normandy in the Pays de Caux, a territory that he never ceases to explore and film: “He draws there, collects honey, cultivates his garden. The time of art and that of life are one. Work, meetings, readings give rise to films and drawings which in turn sculpt existence, opening it to experiences, territories which give rise to other films, other drawings. To work as an artist is to inhabit a world made livable by the invention of communities of thoughts, desires and friendships, where peasants, writers and filmmakers, the living and the dead, the near and the far, come together ».

Pierre Creton est représenté par la galerie Salle Principale, Paris (France)

current & upcoming exhibitions

Art Basel Paris — booth Salle Principale | Grand Palais, Paris, France

A big sister | help with CNC writing, with Mathilde Girard and Frédéric Strauss, France

Seven walks with Mark Brown Feature film with Vincent Barré | Filmi d’uttrovi, cinema Galaxy, Lecci, Corsa, France

26 & 27.10.24
Seven walks with Mark Brown Feature film with Vincent Barré | Doclisboa – XXII International Film Festival, Lisbon, Portugal

26 & 27.10.24
Seven walks with Mark Brown Feature film with Vincent Barré | Viennale, Vienna International Film Festival, Vienna, Austria

Seven walks with Mark Brown Feature film with Vincent Barré | event Les plantes font leur cinéma (cur. Teresa Castro), Musée Albert Kahn, Paris, France

14 — 24.11.24
Seven walks with Mark Brown Feature film with Vincent Barré | IDFA – International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Seven walks with Mark Brown Feature film with Vincent Barré, FIDMarseille präsentiert REPERTOIRE #1: Pierre Creton & Vincent Barré | Volksbuehne, Berlin, Germany

Seven walks with Mark Brown Feature film with Vincent Barré | Mk2 Beaubourg, Paris, France

16.01 — 22.03.25
Pierre Creton | Salle Principale, Paris, France (solo)

24.01 —
Pierre Creton | galerie Duchamp centre d’art contemporain, Yvetot, France (solo)

Ex-Voto, figure du soin | Les Pêcheries, Musée de Fécamp, France (solo)

selected works

Pierre Creton - salle principale

Botanical plates | 2002
sewing on paper
42 x 29,7 cm
signed by artist
Sewing is used here symbolically as a means of repair, but also as a montage technique between the plant world and the human. The images are often taken from the family library: nature (visible) or pornography (hidden).